Step into your birthright of Abundance

Unlock Your Potential

Our Mission

We will show you how Change & Growth can go from uncomfortable, to Easy and Effortless, using the ThetaHealing® technique. Create Your Own Reality - it is possible with Theta Abundance
Theta Abundance was established by Kendal Angela in 2015 with the purpose of teaching others to step into their birthright of abundance. Using the world renowned ThetaHealing® technique, Kendal is able to clear limiting beliefs and unlock your true potential. Theta Abundance has grown tremendously over the years, and we welcome Chantelle and Garrick to the Theta Abundance family.

Chantelle Probert

ThetaHealing® Practitioner
She started her career in the Property Industry which spanned 12 years working in South Africa, London, and Dubai. She gained a wealth of knowledge being exposed to multiple nationalities and cultures and ran a successful Sales Team. Upon return to South Africa, she started a Company centred around empowering woman to be the best version of themselves connected to a Charity for Abused Women and Children. Still, she had a yearning to fulfil her passion of making a difference to people’s lives. Chantelle has a deep passion and empathy for people. ThetaHealing has allowed her to fulfil this purpose by assisting people, children, adolescents, and animals to clear away old destructive behavioural patterns, deeply embedded trauma, and anxiety to allow them to step into flow and abundance to be the best version of themselves. Chantelle's specialty includes energy readings for children to enable parents to get a clearer understanding of children’s underlying traumas, fears and blockages. Working with ADHD and Special needs children, teenagers dealing with anxiety, matrics and students preparing for exams boosting self confidence and self-esteem. Sports and performance coaching. She is a mother to 3 children, 2 fur children and loves being outdoors.

Garrick Twigg

ThetaHealing® Practitioner
Garrick has 20 years’ experience in the Corporate World predominantly spent in Leadership roles. He has grown and mentored teams and individuals from ground level to administering the largest privately owned retirement fund and life Company in South Africa. He is passionate about people and coupled with his drive has developed numerous Leadership growth programs. The core focus being authentic Leadership and discovering your true self whilst simultaneously unlocking your full potential. This insatiable thirst for knowledge and constant need to understand people’s behaviours and patterns led him to discover Thetahealing. Through this he has been able to assist his clients by unlocking their abundance and achieving their full potential on an emotional, mental, and physical level. Creating harmony and achieving the home/ work life balance. He offers his clients individualised coaching packages to assist in their personal career development, relationships with colleagues, friends, family, and partners. Garrick is a family man, an avid cyclist and loves hiking.

Kendal Angela

Master and Certificate of Science (ThetaHealing®) Practitioner & Instructor
Kendal’s career originated in the corporate arena working for one of the Largest Life Assurance Companies in South Africa as an Asset Manager. She then went on to qualifying as a Certified Commercial Property Practitioner (CCPP) an American Property qualification to being an expert in 20 areas of Property Management. Thereafter she was invited to consult on an International Platform for Property Investment Funds, Pension Funds, and Independent Property Developers. She is also a sought after expert in Legal matters pertaining to Property working with one of the top Property Criminal Advocates in the Middle East. She spent 5 years in the Middle East Asset Managing the Property Portfolio of one of the world’s wealthiest Arab families presenting over 250 presentations worldwide. She also successfully ran her own Property Investment Management Company in the Middle East for 18 years. Throughout her worldwide travels she felt propelled to change track to explore a deeper meaning to life and find further soul purpose and fulfilment. This led her to discover the ThetaHealing technique. Using the ThetaHealing technique and the Theta Brainwave she has been able to achieve outstanding results in opening an individuals’ Abundance, clearing away old destructive patterns, understanding addictions and attachments, breaking cycles of abuse and self-abuse, toxic relationships, weight management, finding your soulmate and clearing the mother womb and inner child trauma. Kendal has travelled to USA, Australia, Germany, Russia, Greece, Croatia, Switzerland, Middle East giving abundance sessions and teaching the ThetaHealing Technique. She has qualified in over 40 courses to achieving the prestigious Master and Certificate of Science qualification in ThetaHealing. She teaches globally in person and online. She enjoys being able to participate to being a “Life Shifter “and a “Life Changer “to people’s lives. Kendal is a visionary and is proactive in moving herself and her clients forward into the birthright of their abundance. She is also passionate about travelling, exploring off the beaten track and experiencing life in each moment enjoying each day to its fullest potential.

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you. If you cannot reach us on our mobile number we may be in a class teaching, you are welcome to send us a whatsapp and will get back to you as soon as we are able to. We teach online globally, and host classes in-person in South Africa.
Our address
Cape Town, South Africa
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Open hours
Daily 9:00 AM — 6:00 PM Closed Sundays